Leier Family Chart
Nowasky Family Chart
Leier Family History
Nowasky Family History
Children of Charles
& Louise Nowasky
Children of Lawrence
& Amelia Leier
Louisa & Ciro
Louisa's Letters
Causes of Death
Brooklyn Map
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Last update 8/29/2024
Here you can view the actual documents I have in my research collection.
They include birth, marriage and death certificates or records, obituaries, military documents, applications for social security number (SS5),
the Social Security Death Index (SSDI), and the Social Security Applications and Claims Index (SSACI).
Although not actually documents, the SSDI is the information on the index cards for deceased Social Security recipients.
For a more detailed explanation, click here.
The SSACI picks up where the SSDI leaves off, with details such as birth date and parents names extracted from information filed with the Social Security Administration through the application or claims process.
You may have observed that I have only two SS5 documents (for Albert Leier and William Thomas Leier). I obtained those several years ago
from the Social Security Adminstration (SSA) when the cost for each was $5. The SSA was so overwhelmed with requests
from genealogy researchers that they raised the price to $29.
In the case of the military records, they are all registrations for the draft that men were required to obtain during World
War One and World War Two. Most of these never served in the military. The noted exception is William Thomas Leier,
whose reconstructed military records are inlcuded here.
The "imm&nat" column contains documents pertaining to Immigration and Naturalization.
A word of caution. Anna Lee Waldo, the author of the historical novel Sacajawea, offered the following caveat to anyone who is researching old documents in order to ascertain the truth.
History has a way of being lost or misrepresented. Personal testimony has a way of being slanted or falsified to please the questioner. People die, so statements cannot be checked.
On the other hand, a statement in print tends to become fact when in truth it may not be fact at all, but only a myth written down.
Longinus (Lawrence) Leier (1862-1899) birth marriage death imm&nat
Amelia Nowasky Leier (1865-1931) birth marriage death imm&nat
Louisa Leier Lanzaro (1884-1920) birth marriage death obit
Ciro (Eugene) Lanzaro (1881-1944) marriage death military
William Leier (1886- ) birth marriage military
Susan Halbert Leier Ernst (1889-1963) birth marriage death
John Ernst (1892-1944) marriage death military
Arline Ernst Walsh (1925-2005) SSDI
Thomas Urban Halbert (1856-1916) marriage death obit
Hannah Currier Halbert (1851-1924) marriage death obit
Lillian Foell Leier (1892-1948) birth marriage death
William Thomas Leier (1913-1988) death obit military SS5
Dorothy Leier Bosch (1915-1976) birth marriage
Herman Bosch (1913-1982) marriage military SSDI
Robert W. Leier (1932- ) birth
Amelia Leier Kazalski (Berry) (1889-1969) marriage obit
John (Jack) J. Kazalski (Berry) (1889-1981) marriage death obit military SSDI imm&nat
John C. Berry (Kazalski) (1910-1991) obit military SSDI
Bertha Kazalski (1912-1931) birth death
Gladys Berry Schmidt (1914-1993) birth marriage obit SSDI
William Henry Schmidt (1911-1950) marriage death military
Dorothy Schmidt VanGordon (1942-2001) marriage death obit
Dorothy F. Kazalski (1916-1933) death
Florence Berry Gittins (1919-2005) obit SSACI
John D. Gittins Jr. (1954-1991) SSACI
Bertha Leier Hunter Saunders (1890-1941) birth marriage death obit
Laurence Burton Hunter (1896-1973) birth marriage obit military SSDI
Ruth Evelyn Hunter Martasian (1919-1987) birth obit SSACI
Paul G. Martasian (1919-1972) obit SSACI
Hobart Clarke Saunders (1866-1943) death obit
Emma Leier (1891-1891) birth death
Charles Leier (1892-1926) death obit military
Minnie Leier Fretz (1895-1919) marriage death obit
Otto Fretz (1891-1974) birth marriage obit military SSDI imm&nat
Anna Plaul Fretz (1896-1942) marriage death obit
Priscilla Lush Penney Fretz (1900-1984) SSDI
Annie Leier (1896-1896) death
Albert Leier (1897-1975) marriage death obit military SSDI SS5
Miranda Hettrich Leier (1904-1976) birth marriage death obit SSDI
Charles Nowasky, Sr. (1831-1904) death imm&nat
Louise Pubanz Nowasky (1836-1903) death imm&nat
Bertha Nowasky Kuntze (1867-1923) birth marriage death imm&nat
Albert Kuntze, Sr. (1861-1897) marriage death
(unknown female) Kuntze (1886- ) birth
William Kuntze (1887-1888) birth death
Albert Kuntze, Jr. (1888-1888) birth death
Edwin Kuntze (1889- ) birth
Ada (Edith) Kuntze (1890-1912) birth death
Katherine Kuntze (1912-1912) death
Friedrich Nowasky (1870-1871) birth
Hulda Nowasky (1872-1872) birth
Jacob Nowasky (1873-1873) birth
Charles Nowasky, Jr. (1874-1918) marriage death obit imm&nat
Barbara Kellner Nowasky (1876-1956) marriage death
Charles Nowasky III (1898-1954) marriage death military
Gladys Riedel Donahue Nowasky (1898- ) marriage
Frederick Nowasky (1900-1955) marriage death military
Alberta Mary Klinger Nowasky (1908- ) birth marriage
Marie Nowasky Crowell Bolton (1903-1966) marriage
Elisha Snow Crowell (1907-1969) birth marriage death military SSDI
Marie Magdalena Schaffer Crowell (1902-1974) death obit SSDI
Richard Ward Bolton (1901-1956) marriage military
Ward R. Bolton (1946-1947) death
Marie Barbara Crowell Guarino (1925-2016) marriage
Charles Kaplan marriage military
Joseph Guarino marriage
Elizabeth Marie Crowell (1936-1937) death
James Lane Crowell (1888-1969) birth marriage death obit military SSDI
Mabel L. Mead Crowell (1889-1975) marriage death obit SSDI
Viola Irvine Dawson Crowell (1898-1983) birth marriage death SSDI
Elisha Snow Crowell (1867-1944) birth marriage death obit SSACI
Edith B. Hall Crowell (1868-1935) marriage death
Amos Crowell (1840-1917) marriage death obit
Louise B. Snow Crowell (1841-1910) birth marriage death
Elisha Snow (1810-1903) birth marriage death
Diadama Kelley Snow (1814-1894) birth marriage death
Benajah Crowell (1801-1880) birth marriage death
Deliverance Chase Crowell (1801-1888) marriage death
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