William Kuntze's Birth Certificate
State of New York - Kings County - Town of Gravesend
Name of child: William Kuntze
White male, born on September 25, 1887
Place of birth: South Greenfield
Name of father: Albert Kuntze
Name of mother: Bertha Nowake
Birthplace of father: Germany; age: 28; occupation: Laborer
Birthplace of mother: Germany; age: 20
Number of this mother's previous children: One
How many of them now living: One *
* There was one previous child born to the couple, a girl born April 29, 1886, whose name I have never been able to
determine. Nor do I know when she died, but if the information on this certificate is correct, she died between her
birth and that of William, a period of 17 months. William would survive only 10 months.