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Louisa's Fourth Letter

Aug. 14, 1919

Dear Mother,

I received your letter and was glad to hear from you all and to hear you all are well. I am feeling much better these couple of days my fever is gone down. I don’t know how long it will stay down. I wish it stays down so I can get up. That was all right about the money. I had 55c yet and 10c you gave me. I could get along all right. I got the dollar in the letter.

I have been waiting every day for these oranges. I guess you must have for gotten them. I am not angry that you did not write sooner because I know you all are so busy and the weather has been very bad out here.

Miss Rose is back where I am again in the room where the Italia lady died she had Plursey again.

I got a letter from Millie she said she sends your shoes, but did not know if you got them.

Those mush mellows were fine they were like sugar but don’t bring no more Huckles berries. I don’t seem to digest them. I gave them away.

I was so glad to see you Sunday you could not imagine.

Best love and kisses to you, Gene and all my children and kiss Frankie for me.

Your loving daughter


The fourth page of the letter was a separate letter to her son, Joseph:

My Dear Son Joe,

I am feeling much better and hope I will soon get up. I hope you make a fortune on your garden You done good to buy your self stocking that's the way to do every time and you will have something in the end.

Best love and kisses,
Your loving mother
L. Lanzaro

Larry Notes:

I have no idea what this meant about his garden. He was 14 years old at the time this was written.

To view the actual letter written by Louisa, click here.

Letter #5 - September 3, 1919

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