
Leier Family Chart
Nowasky Family Chart

Leier Family History
Nowasky Family History
Children of Charles
& Louise Nowasky

Children of Lawrence
& Amelia Leier

Louisa & Ciro
Louisa's Letters
Causes of Death
Brooklyn Map
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367 Crescent Street
Tax Photo Circa 1940

367 Crescent Street

William and Lillie Leier were living above this store in Brooklyn when Lillie died on November 14, 1948. She was 56 years old. Cause of death was coronary occlusion (heart failure due to blocked arteries). She was cremated at Fresh Pond Crematory. William was still alive at the time and 62 years of age. Their son Robert was 14. I have never been able to locate Robert. In 2017, I thought I had found a record of William's death in 1957, but it turned out to be the wrong William Leier.

Between 1939 and 1941, New York City photographed every building in the five boroughs for tax purposes.
This photo of the house at 367 Crescent Street is from that collection.
