
Leier Family Chart
Nowasky Family Chart

Leier Family History
Nowasky Family History
Children of Charles
& Louise Nowasky

Children of Lawrence
& Amelia Leier

Louisa & Ciro
Louisa's Letters
Causes of Death
Brooklyn Map
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29 East Second Street
Tax Photo Circa 1940

29 East 2nd Street

This was where Charles and Louise Nowasky were living with Charles Jr. and his wife Barbara when Louise died on February 20, 1903 from kidney disease. She was 67 years old. They buried her in an unmarked grave in The Evergreens Cemetery in Brooklyn.

The following year, Charles Sr. tried to end his own life here by shooting himself with a gun. He managed to inflict a serious wound to his abdomen and died two days later on May 24, 1904 at Seney Hospital (now the New York Methodist Hospital) from a "pistol shot wound of the abdomen". He was 74 years old.

Between 1939 and 1941, New York City photographed every building in the five boroughs for tax purposes. This photo of the house at 29 East 2nd Street is from that collection.
