Leier Family Chart Leier Family History Children of Charles & Louise Nowasky Children of Lawrence & Amelia Leier Cemeteries Causes of Death Photos Documents Brooklyn Map Email Me |
CAUSES OF DEATHborn January 17, 1896 in Parkville - died March 26, 1896, age 2 months. Father: Lawrence Leier (1862-1899) Mother: Amelia Nowasky (1865-1931) Cause of death: Periostitis Periostitis is a medical condition caused by inflammation of the periosteum, a layer of connective tissue that surrounds bone. The condition is generally chronic, and is marked by tenderness and swelling of the bone and an aching pain. Acute periostitis is due to infection, is characterized by diffuse formation of pus, severe pain, constitutional symptoms, and usually results in necrosis (unnatural death of cells and living tissue). |